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Submissions API - Operational
Submissions API
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Submissions Processing - Operational
Submissions Processing
SendGrid - Mail Sending - Operational
SendGrid - Mail Sending
Dashboard - Operational
Website - Operational
We have identified the underlying cause and all file uploads should be processing as normal.
We are investigating an incident involving file uploads failing to process.
This maintenance was cancelled due to an overlapping incident.
In order to increase the stability and scalability of our systems, we are making updates to our primary database. A brief period of service interruption may be experienced.
We have confirmed that the issue has been resolved for all users after our upstream provider resolved issues.
Our upstream provider has started to recover issues with their routing. We are seeing improvements and will continue to monitor the situation.
We have identified the issue as due to one of our main upstream cloud service providers. We will provide additional updates as we have them.
We are currently investigating an elevated number of errors.
Maintenance has completed successfully.
In order to increase the stability and scalability of our systems, we are making updates to our primary database. A brief period of service interruption maybe experienced.
No notices reported this month
Jan 2022 to Mar 2022